The Coastal Biogeochemistry Laboratory is directed by Dr. Havalend Steinmuller, and supports research questions related to how coastal ecosystem function is impacted by disturbance across multiple scales, ranging from microbially-mediated biogeochemical reactions to ecosystem-level responses.

Research questions addressed within the lab include:

  • Characterizing wetland vulnerability to sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion,

  • Determining how vegetation change and mangrove encroachment alter biogeochemical processing of energy and nutrients,

  • Understanding hurricane impacts on biogeochemical cycles and surface elevation dynamics in coastal environments,

  • Determining how intertidal oyster reefs contribute to carbon and nutrient sequestration, and mediate eutrophication,

  • Defining the role of carbon quality and geomorphic setting in ‘blue carbon’ storage

  • Characterizing how the molecular complexity of autochthonous sources of carbon impacts long term soil carbon stability

Check out our current projects here: